Multiple States Move to Expand Government Expression of Religion

Multiple States Move to Expand Government Expression of Religion

A coordinated push by religious groups is resulting in an explosion of legislation across the country that mandates the inclusion of “In God We Trust” in schools and other constitutionally dubious public religious expressions. With a conservative majority on the Supreme Court, activists are hoping any litigation will result in important judicial victories that serve as long-term precedents for the expansion of religion into the public sphere.

Ringing in a Christian Nationalist 2019 With an Even Larger Legislative Playbook

Ringing in a Christian Nationalist 2019 With an Even Larger Legislative Playbook

A Christian nationalist coalition, including the Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation, has published a new state legislative playbook for 2019 that's 30 percent larger, and 100 percent as committed to a nation that reflects its sectarian values.

Christian Pol, Attacked for Opposing ‘In God We Trust’ in School, Talks Church and State

Christian Pol, Attacked for Opposing ‘In God We Trust’ in School, Talks Church and State

As Project Blitz strategists saw it, they could gain political advantage by getting opponents on the record, so their votes and statements could be used against them. But in this instance, they tried to bully the wrong pol.

A campaign to blitz the country with ‘In God We Trust’ laws takes root

A campaign to blitz the country with ‘In God We Trust’ laws takes root

As the summer heat waxes and state legislative sessions wane, the Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation has scored a few small but significant victories. This year, five state legislatures passed laws mandating that every public school prominently display the U.S. motto, “In God We Trust.” The addition of Arkansas, which passed such a law in 2017, brings to six the number of states with public school mandates, including Alabama, Florida, Arizona, Louisiana and Tennessee.

Project Blitz: the legislative assault by Christian nationalists to reshape America

Project Blitz: the legislative assault by Christian nationalists to reshape America

Since Donald Trump became president, rightwing groups are helping flood state legislatures with bills that promote hardline Christian conservative views.