‘In God We Trust’ now an option on your next North Carolina license plate

‘In God We Trust’ now an option on your next North Carolina license plate

North Carolinians can now get a standard license plate for their cars or trucks that bears the phrase “In God We Trust.” The state Division of Motor Vehicles on Monday began offering a third standard plate that includes the national and state mottos instead of “First in Flight” or “First in Freedom.”

A Recent Local Controversy Reveals the Theocratic Heart of ‘Project Blitz’

A Recent Local Controversy Reveals the Theocratic Heart of ‘Project Blitz’

The Christian nationalist intentions of Project Blitz have also received much attention, but a remarkable episode in Minnesota this past state legislative session may be a harbinger of a more profoundly theocratic politics on the horizon.

Bills supporting religion-based rejection turning parents away from adoption agencies

Bills supporting religion-based rejection turning parents away from adoption agencies

Aimee Maddonna, 34, a South Carolina mother of three, was turned away by a state-funded foster care agency because she is Catholic.  

Maddonna went to Miracle Hill Ministries in Greenville, the state’s largest foster care outlet, asking to volunteer in hopes of one day becoming a foster parent. But the initial screening was cut short after she was asked the name of her church. 

‘Bible literacy’ classes in public schools violate separation of church and state

‘Bible literacy’ classes in public schools violate separation of church and state

The Bible is certainly worthy of study for its literary and historic importance. Indeed, the Supreme Court asserted that in its landmark 1963 Abington ruling, which outlawed the practice of public schools reading the Bible as part of morning prayers. Academic study, though, is clearly not the aim of conservative Christian activists who have undertaken a nationwide push for Bible classes in public schools.

Promoting Christianity in public schools isn't just unconstitutional. It's unAmerican.

Promoting Christianity in public schools isn't just unconstitutional. It's unAmerican.

The promoters of this retrograde movement be seen in any way as patriots. Their goal isn’t just unconstitutional; it’s deeply unAmerican.

Group of Stevens High School students propose modifications to "In God We Trust" signage

Group of Stevens High School students propose modifications to "In God We Trust" signage

In March Governor Kristi Noem signed a bill requiring all South Dakota public schools to display the national motto " In God We Trust." At a school board meeting, a group of Stevens High School students proposed some modifications to the required signage.

A conservative Christian group is pushing Bible classes in public schools nationwide — and it’s working

A conservative Christian group is pushing Bible classes in public schools nationwide — and it’s working

Activists on the religious right, through their legislative effort Project Blitz, drafted a law that encourages Bible classes in public schools and persuaded at least 10 state legislatures to introduce versions of it this year. Georgia and Arkansas recently passed bills that are awaiting their governors’ signatures.